Obamastove (Ethiopia) has survived years of civil unrest and a pandemic. Despite all these challenges, Obama stoves are still selling as fast as we can make them.
Obamastove is unique in the cookstove market. A for-profit company that has scaled to manufacture and sell over 400,000 cookstoves without any grants or big investments. The best selling stove in Ethiopia (and neighboring countries), unsubsidized, profitably.
What sets the “Obama” stove apart from the hundreds of other stoves in Africa is how well it works for customers:
Ethiopians know a good deal when they see it. They have to, as even at US$7, that can be a week’s income.
See the stove in the UN Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves’ catalog. Watch Yusuf explain the company:
And see the only artisanal cookstove company at scale manufacture cookstoves:
There are two ways to make a cookstove. The modern (and expensive) method is in a factory with hydraulic pressing to cut, bend, and shape steel plus welders to connect steel and powder coating to prevent rust. This path costs millions of dollars to set up, and the stoves produced retail for tens of dollars in price. The other way is for artisans to make the stoves, one at a time, using little...
Yusuf Tura came to Seattle as a lone refugee from Ethiopia at age 16 to escape war and conflict in the country at the time. Today, the Seattle cab driver’s life has been transformed by a decision he made after returning home in 2007. When he got to his home town, he was shocked. All the trees had been killed off and stripped away by pollution from stoves that burn wood and dung. The dirty fuels...